Happy Anniversary Connect
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CONNECT-losbanos 3 Years ago today Connect-losbanos was launched as a fellowship of ONE! The pundits said it could not happen. We were told there is no way you can bring 3 Pastors together from two fellowships & merge them in Los Banos, it will...
Only One Gospel
The recent message we posted of Jan 31st was a spot on message of how people are attempting to make the gospel of Christ about what they want to follow. Too often Pastors are beginning to see people make the gospel in the image of their bias meaning "I feel it is...
A True Disciple
A typical Monday morning will find me with a hot cup of coffee sitting at my desk getting things prepared for the week both here in Sheridan, Oregon & also the events in Los Banos, Ca. Often times praying for the fellowship here and there asking God "what do You...
The Gospel Bias
As we continue in this life it is becoming ever more noticeable that the culture and the world are attempting to not just silence the gospel of Jesus Christ but trying to change it. No matter where you turn we can begin to see the disturbing reports of “Millennials...
A Foundation Finished
A New "Adventure of Faith" begins! As I sit here at my desk one final time before it all gets packed up I wanted to take just a moment of your time to express our heartfelt thanks to many who have made it possible for us to build the foundation of Calvary Chapel Los...
Hello 2015
This year Connect will celebrate 2 yrs as a new Fellowship. Over the past 21 months we have seen many changes and have weathered many storms along the way. Getting past Gov Bureaucracy, naysayers telling us it couldn't be done as well as the Sanballots & Tobias's...
Saved The Best For Last
John 2:1-11 Often times when we see what the Lord is attempting to show us we have to put aside our bias. At first glance it would seem that the total observation of this passage would be the fact that Jesus had created a monumental miracle (sign) as John refers to...
The “Real” Voice
In studying John The Baptist we see a tremendous individual who was cast on the scene here in John chapt 1. John the Baptist made no pretensions of who he was. He made sure that all the religious folks indeed knew he was NOT the Messiah. Many have used the story of...