Building Community
We exist to assist men and women in Los Banos to be a people that are Missional, Theological and Relational so that we can fulfill the mission of love, witness and service in accordance with the teachings provided to us within the Holy Bible.

We desire to be a people that are on mission for Jesus Christ 24/7. Amongst our neighbors, family and throughout our community. We believe we are all called to be on mission. Missional minded believers are simply followers of Jesus ministering to the communities to which they have been placed.

We desire to allow God to lead His people through His Word! This is accomplished by placing a priority on the study of His word and through prayer. We want to build up disciples of Jesus by teaching the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter.

We desire to be a people that are relational throughout the community of believers in other churches both within our community and throughout the neighboring communities. We believe we are all one body and by our love for one another, the community will see Jesus.
Connect With God. Connect With Each Other
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Join us on Sunday Mornings as we study through the Word of God. We meet @ 404 Overland (Seventh Day Adventist bldg) @ 10am.
Where The Study of God’s Word is a Priority
Join Us
Sunday Morning’s at 10:00 am
404 Overland Rd. (Seventh Day Adventist Church Site)