In our current series “Gods Blueprint For Blended Families/Fellowships” we are trying to tackle some very important issues that go along with not only Families who blend together but Fellowships that do the same. No doubt we will experience some rough edges and certainly some bumps in the road. Paul often times would exhort us to “be of good cheer” and in other verses he told us “to not lose heart” in the hardships that we will face. I know in my own life there were things that I was either not in agreement in or maybe didn’t like how it was being carried out. The one thing I did know was that God was the one working out the kinks in my own heart as He allowed me to go through it. As we continue in our series, ask God “what part of it is my responsibility?” As we all grow in His grace & in His mercy we then will become more like Him! Don’t lose heart and be of good cheer for the end is almost here!